
...until proven innocent

I loosely followed the Duke Lacrosse rape scandal when it was happening but I guess I really didn't get it until last night. I was reading an article about the whole story in Reader's Digest last night and I was infuriated at how these honest, good men were treated after their annual party went bad. They admit that they should not have hired strippers but what group of close-knit, single, college kids haven't done something a little rowdy or scandalous? Curious after reading this story I got online and read a couple other articles and also watched a few YouTube videos of the players and coaches speaking and of a few news people commenting on the event. The one clip that totally blew me away was Nancy Grace freaking out about how horrible these men were. Nancy's outrageously narrow minded accusations were uncalled for, especially during a time when no proof was available to show that these men were guilty. A serious apology from Ms. Grace is warranted but I was unable to find any record of one.

Also, I would like to call out the erroneous ideas and statements of Duke University's president, faculty, and some of the student body. Groups spoke out about how these are just rich white kids persecuting other races. School groups even posted pictures of most of the lacrosse team around campus accusing them of their supposed horrible behavior. Shame on the media and the rest of the accusers for perptuating so many false ideas and destroying what could have been a great year for these outstanding Duke lacrosse players.

I hope that those players, their families and their friends can leave this incident in the past and continue their lives without suffering too many ill aftershocks of this travesty.

Three great videos: click here for Nancy's rant, Nifong's wrong and more, Jon Stewart's take.

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